Miller Peak (June 6-7, 2009)

Kelly and Alan were going to hike Miller Peak, and we were wanting some relief from the hot
days in Seattle (yes, I said it, hot!) so, we joined them. We hiked up a relatively short, but
steep hike (4 miles, 3200 ft) to the top of Miller Peak. We camped at a place just down from
the top so we got a great view at sunset. Unfortunately, at sunrise, we were in a cloud, but
that made for some intetesting pictures on the way down. During the night, we were able to hear
and see some fireworks in what we thought must have been Leavenworth! Cool!

Kelly and Alan heading up the trail.

We got there and started our hike around 3 pm, so the
light was getting low and looked neat through the trees.

Up at a false saddle, Chris, Alan and Kelly take in the view.

Up a little higher, still some patches of snow
(thankfully - that was our water for the night).

Me, Chris, Kelly and Alan stopping to enjoy the view.

A mossy stump almost at the top.

Alan and Kelly on the top.

The view West from the top.

Our camp for the night.

Sunset with, I think, Mt. Stuart.

The clouds rolled in and we got to see them on the way down.


Chris crossing a deep part. Good thing for gaitors!

Kelly fully using her walking stick to cross the creek.